Movo Glamorgan Ltd – Privacy NoticePlease take time to read this document carefully as it contains details of the bases on which we will process (collect, use, share, transfer) and store your information. You should show this notice to all parties related to this insurance arrangement. If you have given us information about someone else, you are deemed to have their permission to do so. Further information you can e-mail or write to our Compliance Manager at Movo Glamorgan Ltd , Erikson Suite, Tec Marina, Terra Nova Way, Penarth, CF64 1SA Use of InformationWe Movo Glamorgan Ltd who is the insurance intermediary with whom you have arranged your insurance) treat your personally identifiable information strictly in accordance with The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018. Data Controller and Data ProcessorPrincipally we will ensure data is processed lawfully, fairly and in an open and transparent manner and ensure appropriate security measures are in place against unauthorised or unlawful processing or accidental loss, destruction or damage using appropriate technical or organisational measures. (such as restricting access to key people within our organisation for certain aspects of your information; and periodically checking the level of security we apply to prevent unauthorised use, accidental loss, or misuse of your information) We are governed by and shall operate strictly in accordance with contracts we have in place with our suppliers (e.g. Insurance Companies, our Software Provider, and similar providers of services to us) which set out our relationship as a processor as required by the GDPR 2018. Lawful BasesCollecting information about you We will collect personal data which will include a variety of information about you (e.g. your name, address of residence, communication and contact details, and your date of birth). We will also collect where relevant to do so information relating to you indirectly by reference to an identifier (e.g. your IP address, which is a unique number identifying your computer, laptop or similar portable device). Where required and appropriate to do so, we will also collect sensitive personal information (e.g. details about motoring or criminal convictions, your health, your credit history and other similarly sensitive information). In certain circumstances (e.g. when an Insurance Company or similar provider of services to us requires us to do so) we will collect information from a variety of different sources (e.g. publicly available sources, such as social media and networking sites; third party databases generally available to the financial services sector, or boarder commerce industries